Archive for the Socially Conscience Shit Category

Living in Capitalist Society

Posted in Funny Shit, Random Shit, Socially Conscience Shit with tags , , , , , on November 12, 2011 by canitalkmyshit

What’s Fair?


So I buy decide to buy the latest edition of the famed NBA 2K series(NBA 2K12), less than a week ago. I was not really feeling the changes in the game, so I decide to take it back to GameStop for store credit. I get to the register, the clerk offers me $25.00 for a game that I purchased a week ago, that’s technically about a month old.

Here is where it gets interesting. I pay $60.00 for a game. I then go on to play it, decide I don’t like it, take it back and get credit for it. GameStop, who is the merchant I patronize then offers me $25.00 for the game. They will take that same game the gave me $25.00 for, turn around and sell the “Used Copy” for around $50.00 to the next unsuspecting sucker. Only for the cycle to run its course again.

“Power To The Gamers”

That “Power” that they lead us to believe we have when shopping there is an illusion. The “Power” really is in the hand of the industry. Imagine if a store actually credited you fairly, for a game that’s practically brand new. That would not happen, because the profit marine could not be maximized if say someone trades in a game that came out last week, they return get say $45-50 back and gets sold back for $50-55. The company turns a slight profit on the game, but that’s not beneficial to keep the cogs in the machine moving.

A main reason they offer such littler store credit even for discourage mass returns. Everyone would play a game for a few days and bring them back for almost all their money back. There really is not balance that can be struck with this. Game stop will continue to offer low return credits, unless it benefits them to raise it during say a popular release. We will continue use them to support our gaming addiction. Real power lies with whomever has the coin to make the rules. Fair? Maybe not, but then again maybe it is.


Nothing But The Truth

Posted in Random Shit, Socially Conscience Shit with tags , , , , on May 4, 2011 by canitalkmyshit

Who Knows For Sure?

I normally am not a person who forces my opinion onto another human being. I encourage free thinking. I may not agree with every thought, as long as it is your own then fine with me. I am also not big on politics either. My blog is not a forum to even speak on these kinds of things, but it is on my mind so I’m going to do what I do best: TALK MY SHIT!!!!

I come to find the world so preoccupied with the notion of secret societies and conspiracy theories that we are starting to lose touch with reality. Besides these are things I could careless about, but who am I to tell you what to believe. I have my own daily battles to fight without trying to interject myself into your though process.

Let me say this and this will be the only time I ever speak on my thoughts about The Illuminati. Could it be real? Maybe it is, but then again maybe it is not. For a “Secret Society” supposedly hiding in plain sight, we all sure know a ton of information about them. Supposedly, every successful person has links to The Illuminati or damn near everyone. Now say, I find a way to make a billion dollars tomorrow, I bet all that money that people I knew all my life would say, “That nigga Phil gotta be down with the Illuminati or sold his soul to the devil to a get that kind of bread!!!” You all can stop reading the rest of this post if you think I’m lying.

How else would they explain me putting in long hours,working my self to the bone, sacrificing time with my family all to improve my own situation? I would still be the same Phillip everyone knows, but I would have to have supernatural or secret help. That in itself is non sense, but since I’m not rich this conversation can take place at a later juncture.

Conspiracy theorist are another story all together. I’m not naïve enough to believe everything that I’m told. These kind of people challenge the everyday belief of what we believe the truth to be. Free thinking at its finest, I think. They live by the term, “Wake up people”, to explain that our lack of awareness that they seem to have. Shit some of my best friends believe the world to be “Sleeping”, caught in the matrix. I applaud them for not accepting what is fed to us on daily basis.

A theory in concept has not been proven, thus remains a question mark. The point of a conspiracy is to challenge the general perception of the truth in order to reject it. Now, in order to form an theory one has to obtain information to form it. How are you suppose to know the information you happen to find is indeed the real truth? One will stand by their truths to the death of them, which there’s nothing wrong with that honestly. Forcing your truth on someone makes you no better than the people you believe are lying to us.

It is not enough to challenge one side of a perceived truth, but everything about it should be questioned. To each’s own though. As stated earlier, I’m not here to force my own opinion on anyone. Just some random thoughts brought together. I have the honor of helping raise two wonderful children. I will teach them to think freely, so they can find their own truths and not accept someone else’s version of it.

In My Mind Series: Another Bad Creation: My World

Posted in In My Mind, Music Shit, Old Shit, Socially Conscience Shit with tags , , , , , on June 15, 2010 by canitalkmyshit

I’m Only A Kid!!!!!!

I have said this before in previous posts, but it remains true. Some songs just resonate with you more then others. When I was a kid this song said everything I wanted to say. How many of us really felt like adults took our concerns seriously? I think we adults (especially figures of authority), tend to forget what it was like for us as children. We get so caught up in our own worlds, we forget they have their own. I wanted to revisit that time for me with a song that meant so much.

In My World

*Shout out to “The Box” version of the video. I tried to find a clearer version*

I Still Got A Story To Tell

Posted in Funny Shit, ON BLAST!!!!!, Personal Shit, Random Shit, Socially Conscience Shit with tags , , , , , , , , , , on May 19, 2010 by canitalkmyshit

The Saga Continues!!!!

Now, we all know about the whole “Jamaal brings home condom” story. Honestly, I have found the whole situation funny. This whole thing is something like a “Cosby Show” episode. Imagine Cliff Huxtable searching for something in Theo’s room, only to find questionable results. In that era it probably would have been drugs or alcohol. Regardless of the findings, Cliff Huxtable always found a way to make light of the situation, while informing you that it was wrong.

When I write these blogs, I(as with a good number of bloggers) draw inspiration from my life. Let’s be clear, I AM NO CLIFF HUXTABLE!!!!! People fail to realize that it is a scripted show. If a story doesn’t work, you can scrap it and create another storyline. In real life there is no luxury of re-scripting the story.

The problem with telling a story second hand is that it may or may not be the truth. There is no way to tell what happen when your not the one experiencing the situation. I have heard from a reliable source that the condoms have been brought, distributed, and used as balloons by the children at the school Jamaal attends. Honestly, there is no way to shield your child from the influence of their peers when they are not in your presence. The only thing a parent can do is teach them about the world, right, wrong, hope they take and utilize the teachings with them.

Now, a humorous story becomes serious. There are so many questions to ask school officials with no answers. How does a bunch of seven year old kids get access to condoms? Let alone, bring them to school to give out? Why does only a handful of teachers know about this? Are they trying to stop it and how? The only saving grace is that they believe the condoms to be balloons.

This story too is second hand information. This may or may not be true. I do not know which story is true, because I was not there. Jamaal could have possibly fabricated the original story, but then he might not have. Only Jamaal knows the truth about how he got the condoms. He’ll come clean, because at the end of the day he’s a good kid. What would Cliff Huxtable do in this situtation? Well, Theo always did the right thing by the end of the episode.

King Holiday!!!!!!

Posted in Inspirational Shit, Personal Shit, Socially Conscience Shit with tags , , , on January 15, 2010 by canitalkmyshit

For A King Celebrate!!!!!!

In honor of the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. A man who’s dream reached it’s apex with the election of our first Black President. His sacrifice was so all people can be considered equal. Even in this day in age we still have some ways to go, but we have been headed in the right direction. Happy Birthday Dr. Martin Luther King!!!! Thank you for everything!!!!!!!

“LeBron’s miscalculation about numbers”-Howard Bryant(Via

Posted in Random Shit, Socially Conscience Shit, Sports Shit with tags , , , , , , , , , on November 25, 2009 by canitalkmyshit

(Interesting article I came across today,regarding league wide number retirement)

LeBron’s miscalculation about numbers
Howard Bryant
November 25, 2009

Fortified by the most powerful marketing machine on earth, remarkable athletic talent, youth and a dazzling celebrity so outsized that 30-foot billboards featuring his likeness are commonplace, it sometimes appears that LeBron James can make things happen simply by talking.

He spoke earlier this month about changing his number from 23 to 6 — an homage to Michael Jordan, he said — and about how even that individual gesture is not enough to canonize Jordan properly. James said the league needs to retire the No. 23 in perpetuity — the ultimate honor for Jordan — as baseball did 12 years ago with Jackie Robinson’s No. 42 and hockey did in 2000 with Wayne Gretzky’s No. 99.

Phil Jackson, Jordan’s old coach and a man who should know better, immediately followed in lockstep, telling The Associated Press that Jordan did as much for basketball as Gretzky did for hockey. Jackson added that the only potential drawback might be Magic Johnson and Larry Bird possibly having hurt feelings.

At best, James’ suggestion is a well-meaning but ill-considered — perhaps even unconsidered — and forgivable lapse from a kid born, for goodness’ sake, in the mid-1980s. For his history-challenged generation, the world began with Jordan. The world before MJ for them is nonexistent, the world after permanently altered.

At worst, however, it is a heinous example of how the king of the sunglasses-indoors, friend-of-Usher crowd has no historical perspective. LeBron’s thinking is as morally empty and narcissistic as those Nike ads that pay him so much money. James is apparently so utterly clueless about the reasoning for baseball’s mass-retiring of Robinson’s number and the history of his own league that he doesn’t seem the least bit embarrassed to imply that Jordan and Robinson exist in the same historical context.

And to this, we are all witnesses.

In 1997, on the 50th anniversary of Robinson’s integration of the major leagues, Leonard Coleman, then the president of the National League, devised the idea to retire Robinson’s number. It was a bold statement to recognize the boldest unifying step this country had taken. The United States as a nation was not integrated until Robinson integrated it. The military was not yet integrated. Segregation was legal, not just in the South but in many parts of the North and West as well. In some places in the South, even city record books documenting births, deaths and marriages of African-Americans were kept separately.

It was common practice for department stores to refuse to allow blacks to try on clothes because store owners were convinced whites would not purchase a piece of clothing that a black person had previously worn.

“What Robinson did was take black people from the background and he put them in the foreground,” the late Leonard Koppett, one of the best journalists of his era, told me years ago. “For white people, black people lived in the background, even in places like New York. You saw them. You walked past them. They were part of the wallpaper of your life. Jackie changed all that. From that day forward, when he came on the field, black people were present. Now you had to see them. You had to hear them. You had to pay attention to them. He did not integrate baseball. He integrated America.”

To understand this, you have to have a world view that begins before 1984. You have to think about the impossible, about the things in life that generations who came before never thought they would see. About a time when even the most forward-thinking people in this country could not envision a world without slavery, about a time that survived for nearly 100 years after abolition when it appeared that segregation was going to remain a maddening, intractable given.

Most people, black and white, simply could not see a future beyond the separation, past their historical and persistent grievances, past the hate. Most of the country, especially African-Americans of a certain generation, could not envision an American president who was not white and male.

The Robinson challenge, given this environment, was not simply to prove he could play baseball at the major league level, but to prove the two races could coexist. Play nine innings together, take showers together, eat dinner, play cards and laugh together — and ultimately serve side by side as Americans in the same units of the armed forces, which occurred a year after Robinson broke baseball’s color barrier. None of these simplicities — they seem like simplicities now — was a given in 1947.

The Brooklyn Dodgers were considered pioneers; but during the first years of integration, it was standard for the white players to shower first before the blacks were allowed to enter.

What Robinson did, in effect, gave the nation a new life even as it killed him. His journey broke him. His hair was snow white by the time he was in his 40s. He was a diabetic. He was legally blind before he died in 1972 at age 53.

This, and not his steals of home or winning the MVP in 1949, is why his number — and no other — is retired by Major League Baseball. And it’s why no other number should be retired by any sport. This is why James looks so uninformed today. This is what happens when you practice your crossover more than you study your American history.

Neither Jordan nor Gretzky carries the same historical significance as Robinson does, and to discuss this issue solely in terms of athletic achievement is to warp the conversation. The name of the game here is history, the impact on history. Jordan sold, and still sells, a lot of sneakers, a lot of Gatorade and lot of underwear. What Jackie Robinson did, in one sense, is more impressive even than the election of Barack Obama. American society — black, Latino, Asian, but especially white — chose Obama to be president. Robinson was forced on a society that for the most part did not want him, either as a teammate or as a symbol of coming change.

These concepts are a little more important than Jordan’s buzzer-beater over the Cavaliers.

With the increasing conformity of sports, where the spontaneity of a song in a given arena quickly becomes a canned, ubiquitous jock jam, it’s easy to cheapen and make a gimmick of an important gesture such as retiring a number. I called Coleman, whose idea it was to retire Robinson’s number in the first place, about this. Recognizing the political minefield, he declined comment, probably wisely.

When NHL commissioner Gary Bettman retired Wayne Gretzky’s No. 99, it spoke of an odd, desperate opportunism, a way for a troubled league to honor its best player. More than Jordan in basketball, Gretzky is a historic figure in hockey, for the argument can be made that his 1988 trade to Los Angeles opened an entire new chapter in the history of the NHL: It helped bring the large-scale, warm-weather demographic to the game. Now, the league is in Miami, Dallas, Phoenix and Tampa in addition to L.A. and Atlanta.

But even the retiring of Gretzky’s number indirectly undermined the Robinson tribute, for the Gretzky effect was on the economics of hockey rather than the social landscape. The NHL’s new “Hockey is for everyone” ad campaign might be directly related to Gretzky making the sport ubiquitous, but Gretzky did not change American or Canadian society. He and Jordan are similar in that regard: They are the greatest practitioners of their sports, but hardly the most revolutionary. Gretzky might have played hockey better than anyone else, but he did not change how the game is played. In terms of historic significance, Bobby Orr, a rushing, tempo-changing defenseman, far outweighs Gretzky.

James apparently doesn’t even understand his own sport’s heritage. Jordan might have been basketball’s greatest player; but, like Gretzky, he did not change the way his game is played. Wilt Chamberlain — not Michael Jordan — is the most dominant individual ever to play the game of basketball. Along with Bill Russell, Wilt revolutionized the sport. Rules were changed because of Chamberlain. Players were drafted differently because of Russell.

Perhaps we can call Jordan basketball’s greatest champion because his teams had to play additional rounds in the playoffs to get to the titles, but Russell nearly doubled Jordan’s championship total, 11 to six, and Russell’s teams won eight in a row (1959-66). Jordan didn’t even revolutionize the aerial game. Elgin Baylor and Connie Hawkins and Julius Erving were responsible for that.

James advertises his ignorance even further when he says he wants to change his number to 6 — the number worn by Russell and Erving — without acknowledging that both players altered the history of the game in a more profound way than Jordan did. Outside of winning games, Jordan is known for his cosmetic contributions — his sneakers, his long shorts, his shaved head — and for being a Nike sycophant. Unlike Robinson, he was allergic to any and all forms of political courage.

We know James is part of the “Me” generation, for whom anything that occurred before last Thursday might as well be ancient history. But if he is going to speak, let him do so armed with respect. Respect comes with education and knowledge of the history of your surroundings. Instead of changing his number, perhaps LeBron should change his reading habits.

He might just learn something.

Howard Bryant is a senior writer for He is the author of “Shut Out: A Story of Race and Baseball in Boston,” “Juicing the Game: Drugs, Power and the Fight for the Soul of Major League Baseball” and “The Last Hero: A Life of Henry Aaron,” to be published in May 2010. He can be reached at or followed on Twitter at

In New York!!!!!!!!!

Posted in Socially Conscience Shit with tags , , , on November 4, 2009 by canitalkmyshit

The City Is Mine!!!!!!

This a time where we have Jay-Z and Alicia Keys singing an ode to the city they grew up in. A time where baseball’s most storied franchise is on the verge of winning another World Series. I’d say it must feel pretty good to be a New Yorker right now.

Shit, we have a Mayor that was just elected to a third term in office based on the power of a 90 million dollar campaign. The birth place of hip hop. Churning out millions of dollars on any gives day. A city full of millionares and billionares. Yeah it must be real good to be a New Yorker right now.

Yeah it must be real good, but I sit here dazed and confused as to why this man in front of me looks like he does. In New York!!!!!!!!!!! He sits here on the train as his bed room. I sit across from him in what he would consider his living room. I almost feel as if I’m invading his personal space.

In a city, fuck it in a country as rich as this one, this man should have a home to call his own. Billions have been spent on a pointless war, but yet we have people sleeping on the train. I don’t get it. While people of this country as a whole suffer, in Washington it is politics as usual.

So while we glorify the things that make this such a great city to live, we must no forget what’s happening behind the scenes. When the Yankees are having their victory parade down the “Canyon Of Heroes”, remember somebody might be making their next home with the paper mache’. We shed light on the things that we want to, but behind the light beaming on an object lies a shadow. We can do better. New York can do better!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”- Statue Of Liberty

Cause I’m In New York!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fuck the MTA!!!!!

Posted in Socially Conscience Shit on October 29, 2009 by canitalkmyshit

So I’m sitting here at work, while my wife calls me to inform me that two young women have gotten raped in our neighborhood. She learned of the incident on Channel 7 news. Smh

One young lady raped in back of the same church my wife and I were married at. So what does this have to do with the MTA you ask? Well the answer is everything. Due to their neglegance regarding public safety this could have been avoided.

To understand what I mean I will explain.

The MTA is currently renovating a few of the train stations through out Far Rockaway. The Beach 67th Street Station(my station) happens to be one of them. They are currently working on one side of the platform. So I can leave for the city at my station, but coming back I have to get off at the Beach 60th Street Station. Once a person get off there, you have three options to get to your destination. One can go to the other side of the platform and take the train back to their stop. One can walk up the block to catch a bus or just walk to your destination. Late at night public transportation operates less frequent l, so a person is more inclined to walk to save time. Once you make the decision to walk you have 2 routes that you can take. One is under the train rails, the other is to walk to Beach Channel Drive. Each route is just as dangerous as the other.

Knowing this sure you can say, “If a person is armed with this knowledge, why would they take the chance?” Now when it’s late and you want to go home, your going to take the quickest route possible. Which is what I’m thinking these young ladies did.

Why didn’t the MTA take in account public safety when taking on these projects? Why didn’t the MTA make the proper provisions to protect the people that utilize mass transit? This is the same MTA that is spending millions of dollars on this project to appease the new class of people moving into the Rockaways. The same MTA that raised the fares a few months ago. The same MTA that claiming to be going broke due to increasing service expenses.

The problem with things like this is that the common person gets lost in the shuffle. The decision makers have to be thinking about these kinds of things happening. So the end result now, because of the media exposure they have lights and cops out tonight. Now what happens when the glaring stare of the media is off of the area? Are they going to secure the services of the police to ensure the people are safe during their travels? Most likely not.

I guess all we can do is enjoy the night lights and police escorts while they last. That’s what they are banking on. The peope need an outlet where their voices can be heard screaming,” Fuck The MTA!!!!!” Michael Jackson was right. ” They don’t really care about us.”

Fake Thug No Love

Posted in ON BLAST!!!!!, Socially Conscience Shit on October 28, 2009 by canitalkmyshit

Why do we live in an age where it’s better to pretend about who you are. There are too many young men claiming to be “hood” and don’t know the first thing about it.

These idiots listen to hip-hop trying to live as their idols portray in their songs. Now just because a rapper tells me getting shot is cool. Does that mean I should go and get shot. Stop it you fucking dummies.

Exhibit A: David McGeachy (Yeah nigga I’m putting you on blast)

This little motherfucker ain’t never had to be on the streets a day in his life. He runs around with punks ass niggas that get beat up in they own hood. ( What part of the game is that) Oh I forgot to mention he swears he’s a blood. Runs around disrespecting the only one who will have his back at the end of the day(his moms) You dumb ass at the end of the day your homies ain’t Gonna have your back, like your mom will. I can picture his ass getting locked and crying in his cell for her. Why be who your not?

What happens to young men like David is that, the excuse is always ,” My father is not around” Fuck that!!! I grew up without my father and I’m not on that bullshit. Never have been. It takes mote courage to stand on your own, then it takes to run with a click.

Nine times out of ten, your life will not be what you see in a video. Self awareness is key. Knowing who you are is the only way to survive the daily grind. Yeah you can run around with your boys and get into the shoot em up gun play action, but are you built to deal with that. Are your built to stand up to the repercussion of that. For every action there is a reaction.

There are too many young men such as David caught up in the hype. When there are real killers out there that will shoot you without blinking. Are you built to withstand those types? Think about it?